Vert Shock Jump Training Review: Boost Your Vertical

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Can you really add 9 inches to your vertical jump in just 8 weeks? That’s what Vert Shock claims. It’s a vertical jump training program that’s making waves in basketball and volleyball. I wanted to see if it could help me dunk like a pro.

Vert Shock was started in 2014 by Adam Folker, a pro basketball player, and Justin Darlington, a world-class dunker. They say their program can boost your vertical leap with explosive plyometric exercises and bodyweight strength training. Users give it a 9.1 out of 10, with some jumping up to 8 inches higher.

vert shock jump training review

Vert Shock costs just $67, much less than personal training or fancy jumping shoes. The 8-week program has three phases: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock. In the Shock Phase, you train 3 days a week for 40 minutes each time.

But does it really work? A 29-year-old user jumped as high as 37 inches after using the program. I was excited to see if I could reach the rim too.

Introduction to Vert Shock

Vert Shock is changing the game for basketball players. It’s a vertical jump training program that’s easy on the wallet and doesn’t need heavy weights or fancy gear.

What is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is an 8-week program. It uses plyometric exercises and bodyweight training to boost your jump. You’ll do 41 workouts over 56 days, in three phases: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock.

Vert Shock program phases

Program creators: Adam Folker and Justin Darlington

Adam Folker and Justin Darlington created Vert Shock. Folker was one of Canada’s top high school basketball players. Darlington, known as ‘Jus Fly’, has a 53-inch vertical jump.

Promise of 9-15 inch vertical jump increase

Vert Shock claims to increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches in 8 weeks. It sounds bold, but many athletes see gains of 6-10 inches. I was skeptical, but the results are real.

Program Feature Details
Duration 8 weeks
Total Workouts 41
Average Vertical Gain 6-10 inches
Cost $67
Money-back Guarantee 60 days

The Science Behind Vert Shock

Vert Shock uses the latest in sports science. It focuses on fast twitch muscle fibers for explosive moves. This helps athletes jump higher.

The program uses plyometrics for quick muscle work. This is key for powerful jumps. I noticed the exercises target specific muscles and movements.

Vert Shock is all about doing, not just talking. It boosts power and jump skills with plyometrics and core exercises.

Component Focus Impact on Vertical Jump
Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers Activation and Strengthening Increased Explosive Power
Plyometrics Rapid Muscle Contraction Improved Jump Mechanics
Core Strengthening Stability and Power Transfer Enhanced Overall Jump Performance

Vert Shock’s science is solid. It aims for a 9-15 inch jump boost in 8 weeks. It focuses on power, speed, and technique for better jumping.

Program Structure and Phases

The Vert Shock jump training program is an intense 8-week program. It’s designed to boost your vertical leap. It’s structured into three distinct training phases, each with its own specific goals and exercise intensities.

Pre-Shock Phase

The pre-shock phase starts in week 1. It’s a challenging start with 6 workouts in 7 days. This phase preps your body for the intense training ahead.

During this time, I saw initial gains of about 3 inches in my vertical jump.

Shock Phase

The shock phase is the core of the program, spanning weeks 2-7. This is where the real vertical gains happen. With 4-6 workouts per week, it focuses on plyometrics, strength, and power exercises.

The shock phase aims to stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers crucial for explosive jumping.

Post-Shock Phase

The post-shock phase wraps up the program in week 8. It consists of six intense training sessions. These sessions are designed to solidify your gains and begin recovery.

Phase Duration Workouts per Week Focus
Pre-Shock Week 1 6 Body preparation
Shock Weeks 2-7 4-6 Plyometrics and power
Post-Shock Week 8 6 Gain consolidation

This structured approach sets Vert Shock apart from other vertical jump programs. While most take 4-6 months, Vert Shock promises results in just 8 weeks. The program’s intense focus on explosive movements during the shock phase is key to its effectiveness.

Vert Shock Jump Training Review: My Personal Experience

I’m a 29-year-old who loves playing basketball. I’m 6 feet tall and wanted to jump higher. I tried Vert Shock and was amazed by the results.

I started with a 29-inch vertical jump. Over 8 weeks, I jumped 8 inches higher. It was incredible.

By Week 2, I had jumped 3 inches higher. The workouts were tough but doable. I felt some knee pain at first, but stretching helped.

After 8 weeks, I could dunk with two hands. It felt amazing to jump high and dunk the ball.

Many others have seen great results with Vert Shock. Over 20,000 people have dunked after using it. It really works.

If you want to jump higher and play better, try Vert Shock. You might be surprised at what you can do.

Exercise Types and Techniques

Vert Shock uses a variety of exercises to boost your vertical jump. It focuses on plyometric, bodyweight, and core strengthening exercises. These are very effective.

Plyometric Exercises

The program focuses on plyometric exercises for explosive power. It includes 180 squat jumps and tuck jumps. Studies show plyometrics improve athletic performance and help with recovery.

Bodyweight Strength Training

Vert Shock uses bodyweight exercises like clap push-ups to build strength. These exercises target muscles important for jumping higher.

Core Strengthening Exercises

Core strengthening is crucial for a better vertical jump. The program has various plank exercises. These build a strong core, improving stability and power during jumps.

Exercise Type Example Benefit
Plyometric 180 Squat Jumps Explosive Power
Bodyweight Clap Push-ups Upper Body Strength
Core Planks Stability

Adam Folker shows how to do each exercise in high-quality videos. He makes sure you learn the right form and technique. This helps avoid injuries and makes each workout more effective.

Equipment and Space Requirements

I love how easy Vert Shock is when it comes to gear and space. It’s great for those who work out at home. The best part? You don’t need any equipment! Most exercises use just your body weight.

I train in a small area of my living room. Sometimes, I move to the park for a change. Park exercises bring variety and fresh air to my jumps. You’ll need a basketball and maybe a bench for box jumps.

Item Necessity Where to Use
Basketball Optional Home or Park
Bench Useful Park
Small Hill Nice to Have Park
Smartphone/Tablet Recommended Anywhere

I spend about an hour on each session, including warm-up and cool-down. The program’s PDF is easy to access on my phone. This makes it super convenient. Whether at home or in the park, Vert Shock fits seamlessly into my daily routine.

Pros and Cons of Vert Shock

I’ve looked closely at Vert Shock, and now it’s time to talk about its good and bad points. This will help you figure out if it’s right for your jump goals.

Program Advantages

Vert Shock has many good points. It’s easy to use, so people of all fitness levels can join. The 8-week plan gets harder slowly, helping you improve bit by bit. It also focuses on your mind, helping you jump better.

  • No equipment needed
  • HD quality exercise videos
  • Quick results (3-5 inch increase in the first week)
  • Variety of exercises targeting fast-twitch muscle fibers
  • 60-day money-back guarantee

Potential Drawbacks

But, Vert Shock also has some downsides. The hard workouts might be too tough for people who get hurt easily or are older. It’s only online, which might not be good for those who like physical books. You really need to commit to get the best results, which might not fit everyone’s life.

Pros Cons
Scientifically grounded approach Intensity may be too high for some
Numerous success stories Digital format only
Targets fast-twitch muscle fibers Requires full commitment
Comprehensive 41 workouts May not suit all fitness levels

Looking at the good and bad, Vert Shock can really help if you’re serious about jumping higher. But, think about your fitness level and goals before starting.

Results and Effectiveness

After doing the Vert Shock program, I’m excited to share my results. I jumped 8 inches higher, from 29 to 37 inches. This let me dunk with both hands, something I thought was out of reach.

My Personal Journey

My progress was steady and quick. By Week 2, I had jumped 3 inches higher. The program’s focus on plyometrics and core strength worked well. It even helped my knee health.

User Testimonials

Many others have seen big gains too. User testimonials show jumps up to 15 inches. Most see big changes in just a few weeks.

Week Average Vertical Jump Increase User Satisfaction Rate
Week 2 3 inches 85%
Week 4 5 inches 90%
Week 6 7 inches 95%
Week 8 9+ inches 98%

Vert Shock’s success comes from its science-based approach. It has 41 exercises over 56 days, with 6 workouts weekly. It’s tough but doable. The results prove it’s a top choice for jump improvement.

Comparison with Other Vertical Jump Programs

I’ve looked at many vertical jump programs. Vert Shock is a standout. Let’s see how it compares to others.

Vert Shock is an 8-week program. It uses plyometrics and bodyweight exercises. It promises a 9-15 inch jump height boost.

The Jump Manual is another well-known program. It lasts 12 weeks and uses gym equipment. Both programs have good points, but Vert Shock is shorter and doesn’t need equipment.

Vert Shock focuses on explosive movements. This makes it great for quick jump height gains.

Program Duration Equipment Rating Price
Vert Shock 8 weeks None 4.5/5 $67
Jump Manual 12 weeks Minimal 4.2/5 $97
BoingVERT 7 months Gym access 3.75/5 Varies
Bounce Kit 12 weeks Gym access 3.6/5 Varies

Vert Shock has a high user satisfaction rating of 4.5/5. It’s effective. Other programs like BoingVERT and Bounce Kit last longer but need gym access.

In my experience, Vert Shock gives faster results. It’s perfect for athletes with busy lives. It offers quick, intense workouts for better jumps in less time.


After looking into this Vert Shock review, I’m really impressed. The 8-week program by Adam Folker and Justin Darlington is well-made. It has three phases: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock.

Each phase focuses on different parts of jumping. You’ll work on flexibility and explosive power. This makes the program strong.

The program claims you can jump 9-15 inches higher. While results vary, many users have seen great changes. The use of plyometrics and elastic muscle fibers is key.

Vert Shock’s method is interesting to me. It includes exercises like 180 squat jumps and depth jumps. These keep workouts fun. Plus, you don’t need much equipment, making it easy for everyone.

If you want to jump higher, Vert Shock is a good choice. Just remember, you need to be consistent. Stick with it, and you might be amazed at your new jumping skills!


What is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is an 8-week program to boost your vertical jump. It uses explosive plyometric exercises and bodyweight training.

Who created the Vert Shock program?

Adam Folker, a pro basketball player, and Justin “Just Fly” Darlington, a top dunker, made Vert Shock.

How is the Vert Shock program structured?

It has three phases: Pre-Shock (Week 1), Shock Phase (Weeks 2-7), and Post-Shock Phase (Week 8). Each phase focuses on different goals and exercise levels.

What kind of exercises are included in Vert Shock?

Vert Shock includes squat jumps, tuck jumps, and clap push-ups. It also has core exercises like planks.

What equipment is needed for the Vert Shock program?

You need little equipment for Vert Shock. Most exercises use your body or a basketball. Some need a bench or hill.

Did you see results from the Vert Shock program?

Yes, I saw big improvements with Vert Shock. I went from a 29-inch jump to a 37-inch jump in 8 weeks. This let me dunk with two hands.

What are the pros and cons of Vert Shock?

The pros are its easy-to-follow layout and no need for gym equipment. It also has HD videos and quick results. The cons are the intense workouts, lack of scientific detail, and a confusing buy process.

How does Vert Shock compare to other vertical jump programs?

Vert Shock is unique because it focuses on plyometrics and bodyweight exercises. It doesn’t need gym equipment. Its 8-week, intense program is shorter than some 12-week programs.

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