Product Name: The AutoImmune Bible
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“Ancient secrets found hidden inside the Bible helped me fight my autoimmune disease quickly and naturally.”
I screamed. The doctor turned to me, with his face looking shocked. On the screen behind him was my half-eaten brain, plastered across my MRI scan.
“Could I go blind?” I asked him.
“Could I end up in a wheelchair- paralyzed?” I asked.
I was terrified. I felt like I would suffocate. Chills rushed up and down my spine. The doctor put both his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down, but there it was, the picture of my brain, right there on the wall, both sides covered with piercing white lesions.
These lesions turned out to be the beginning of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis, or MS for short. These lesions were spreading across my brain at a rapid pace, trying to destroy the parts of me that controlled my motor function, speech, my ability to think- the parts of me that made me who I am. I saw the most important parts of myself disappearing right before my eyes, all because of this unstoppable, brain-eating disease.
Worst of all, there was nothing I could do to reverse the damage. No one could even tell me how this happened! I had never taken drugs, had exercised my whole life, and had always had a positive outlook. My body had never given out on me, and I had always been reliable to my family, friends, coworkers, and community. Now, all that would suddenly change, and no one could give me a reason. The doctor told me that this could happen to anyone.
Over a million people across the globe, without warning, have been diagnosed with this very same, brain-eating disease. There are plenty more people who don’t even realize they have it yet! Still, I felt so alone.
The side effects from the drugs made every day a nightmare, and my quality of life deteriorated more and more. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t be there for my family. I couldn’t have fun. I couldn’t do anything without worrying what would happen to my body next.
First, I contacted every doctor I could find. I asked each of them if I’d ever get better? They all said it was unlikely. I asked them why I had to continue taking expensive drugs that didn’t even work and made me feel worse? They told me it was because there were no other options.
Then, I asked how a healthy person with no medical history could fall horribly ill so suddenly and without cause?
None of the doctors could answer. I met other patients with my condition, and they were all as lost as me. Some of them had had success slowing down the progression, but every time they thought they were better, they’d suddenly get worse out of nowhere.
Every doctor I went to, every patient I spoke to, and every therapy I tried left me more confused and desperate than I was to start with. Worst of all, my beloved family members had to sacrifice precious moments of their lives to take care of me. The emotional pain was nearly as unbearable as the physical pain I was experiencing. I lost all hope.
That is, until I discovered one thing that changed everything. This was only the beginning. My seemingly “incurable” disease met its match when I came across an ancient secret. After years of suffering, the answer shocked me. It was right under my nose the whole time! Using this secret, I quickly slowed down the disease and reversed the damage done to my brain.
When I told them my secret, they didn’t take me seriously. It had to be a miracle. How I found this life-saving secret and what it is will surprise you. Keep reading to the end as I tell you exactly what it is and how it can change your life.
Now, I have to tell you that I am a man of faith. I believe that whatever happens can be used for good and that everything happens for a reason. This faith got me through my sickness and eventually led me to recovery. Let me tell you how.
I found this ancient, healing secret inside the Bible. Now, I believe that the Bible holds the keys to living a good life, so it was no surprise to me when I found the keys to my health inside the Bible too.
At first, I’ll admit that I was a bit skeptical. There was no way that one simple trick could undo the year of pain and sorrow that I’d gone through. Wouldn’t the doctors have heard about it? Of course, God, the Creator of everything, had to know more than the doctors, but why couldn’t He just heal me instantly!?
The shocking truth is it is a total lie that autoimmune diseases are untreatable, yet millions suffer day after day and never realize it.
It’s estimated that about 7 percent of people in the United States suffer from an autoimmune disease. 1 in 12 women and up to 1 in 20 men suddenly fall ill of autoimmune diseases that first, drain their bank accounts and then ultimately, could kill them. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) report that 23.5 million people in the US have some type of autoimmune disease. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association that number is more than double, and about 50 million people in this country suffer from some autoimmune condition.
Why? It is because NIH statistics only include 24 conditions for which epidemiology studies are available. Research shows that that number seems to be increasing, and no one knows why.
The most common autoimmune diseases are Grave’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, type 1 diabetes, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis. The prevalence of autoimmune diseases varies ranging from 5 people per 100,000 to more than 500 people per 100,000 depending on the condition. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis, a disease where your body begins attacking your own bones, and lupus, where your immune system begins attacking your organs, are more prevalent than uveitis, which attacks your eyes and your vision.
Autoimmune diseases can affect any part of the body including joints, brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, digestive tract, among other tissues. At this point, the exact cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, preventing scientists from finding adequate treatments that could cure them. This explains why current treatment options are directed toward management of autoimmune diseases instead of actually curing them.
I’ll tell you. The answer might shock you because it’s so simple. The Bible carries disease-fighting recipes, and is packed full of powerful, healing ingredients. This information is not new. All throughout history, people have used these recipes to destroy disease.
The truth is that these simple, but powerful ingredients are things we see every single day! In fact, we see them at the grocery store every day! It’s no surprise that God doesn’t need useless drugs to heal us. He provided us with life-giving solutions from the beginning of time. All we have to do is open our eyes.
Patients who are diagnosed with autoimmune disease are usually prescribed anti-inflammatory medications and immunosuppressants, which are associated with a host of side effects and tend to work only for a little while.
Then, the doctor has to prescribe other medications and the same scenario happens again. Vicious cycle!
The thing is, the natural, Biblical remedies I’m about to tell you about hardly cost a thing. When people find this out, Big Pharma will lose billions of dollars each year.
The sickening truth? They don’t want people to get better. That’s why they do everything within their power to silence anyone sharing these proven, biblical secrets.
Keep reading to the end, because it’ll be no time before they find this article and force me to take it down. No one has more lobbyists and government henchmen than Big Pharma. They spend billions, yes billions, every year to be able to sell you and me poison disguised as medicine!
According to the US National Library of Medicine, one of those common immunosuppressants, tacrolimus, can give a person a higher risk of infection, higher risk of certain cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, nervous system disorder, kidney problems, anemia, weight gain, seizures, bloody urine, and even a hole in their stomach or bowels!
Think that doctors are beyond corruption? Think again. It is actually legal in the United States for drug companies to pay doctors to help them promote their drugs! In 2016, a ProPublica analysis found that “doctors who receive payments from the pharmaceutical industry do indeed prescribe drugs differently on average than their colleagues who don’t.
You don’t have to go far to see the damage this corrupt system has caused. Countless people are ill, being told their diseases are incurable, and being prescribed and sold promising drugs that either make them settle for their disease, or make them sicker altogether! Countless people, looking for relief, end up addicted to prescriptions, and even end up turning to recreational drugs.
Why do you think homelessness has skyrocketed? And what about the opioid crisis? These things can affect all of us, even your closest loved ones, whether they tell you or not.
Human greed created these major problems, so it makes sense that only God in His goodness could help us fix them. That’s why He gave us such precious, sacred information in the Bible, so that His people can keep themselves healthy.
When I first began following these healing secrets God revealed to me in His word, I didn’t think that they’d actually work. I’d talked to the best doctors from all over the country without finding anything that gave me hope. Thankfully, God gave me the strength and motivation to trust Him and to try anyway.
The first week, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary. The second week, I noticed little improvements, but they were hardly worth mentioning when it came to all my symptoms. By the third week, I started feeling more like myself and thinking about my symptoms a little less.
Then, on the fourth week, I really started seeing a change. I lost some of the embarrassing fat that was collecting around my belly. My complexion looked clearer and brighter. I felt happier and more energetic. I experienced less pain and disorientation.
My mind started working faster, and I was able to go back to work. My extreme fatigue disappeared, and I was able to spend more time outdoors and with the people I loved. My appetite became more balanced. I was able to finally sleep through the night. Best of all, I finally felt happy.
It’s crazy that after suffering for so long without hope, battling stress, depression, and even thoughts of suicide, that the solution was so simple. Practically overnight, I went from struggling with my relationships, career, and day to day life, to living in bliss.
But I didn’t just come here to tell you about my success – I want to help you to. That’s why I spent my life savings to get this information out to you.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t just run through the streets, yelling out this revolutionary, biblical breakthrough, no matter how much I wanted to. I had to set up clinical trials, hire researchers and scientists, and ultimately, put together this presentation in order to get this message out to those who desperately need it. I know that if this information helps just one person, it’ll be worth all the work I and my colleagues put into it.
If you or a loved one are done feeling terrible, struggling to get out of bed every morning, crippled by the weight of medical bills, and overwhelmed by the physical, emotional, and financial burdens that come with autoimmune disease, listen closely. I’m about to tell you all about these ground-breaking, biblical ingredients, and what they are.
“And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat.”” (Genesis 1:29-30)
“And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.” (Genesis 9:2-3)
So, according to the Bible, we humans were meant to consume a simple diet of meat, fish, fruit, veggies, and herbs. I took things further and went online, searching for evidence to back up my findings. It turned out that these verses actually aligned with scientific research:
Eating fruit, veggies, meat, and fish would be easy, I thought, but what about herbs? What kind of herbs should I use? Were all herbs okay or just some?
I searched online to find out if the Bible said anything about herbs, and I was shocked to find that the Bible not only mentions herbs, but talks about them a lot! The herbs I found especially fascinating were:
According to the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, can protect the liver, immunostimulant, antiseptic, antimutagenic and useful as medicine.
According to the Alternative Medicine Review Journal, “based on early cell culture and animal research, clinical trials indicate curcumin may have potential as a therapeutic agent in diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, arthritis, and chronic anterior uveitis, as well as certain types of cancer.” They went on to say that it matches the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs.
According to the Journal of Biological Chemistry and the journal Melanoma Research, curcumin blocks NF-kB, a molecule that travels into the nuclei of cells and turns on genes related to inflammation. NF-kB is believed to play a major role in many chronic diseases.
According to American Journal of Physiology, the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, and the Journal of Food Science and Technology, animal studies have shown that the high content of ALA, an essential fatty acid, found in flaxseed prevented cholesterol from being deposited in the blood vessels of the heart, reduced inflammation in the arteries and reduced tumor growth.
A Costa Rican study, published in the journal Circulation, involving 3,638 people, found that those who ate more ALA had a lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed less ALA.
Also, a large review of 27 studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involving more than 250,000 people found that ALA was linked to a 14% lower risk of heart disease.
Numerous studies published by BioMed Research International, BioChimie, and PloS One have also linked ALA to a lower risk of stroke.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can kill intestinal parasites, and can fight off cancer, colds, flus, diabetes, and infections.
According to the Journal of Nutrition, the combined effects on reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as the antioxidant properties, may help prevent common brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
According to the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, subjects with heart disease that took garlic oil for 6 weeks had a reduction in peak heart rate of 12% and improved their exercise capacity. Given all these studies, it’s safe to say that garlic could help you live longer!
According to the book, “Reference Guide for Essential Oils,” by Connie and Alan Higley, monoterpenes found in frankincense can help prevent and discharge toxins from your liver and kidneys, and have antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, pain-relieving, and expectorant properties. Boswellic acid, a terpenoid compound found in frankincense, mimics the action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin and ibuprofen.
According to BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, frankincense oil may represent an alternative therapy for bladder cancer, and “might represent a new therapeutic option on pancreatic cancer treatment in human patients.”
A study published by OA Alternative Medicine found that it “possesses anticancer properties.”
It says in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology that frankincense could promote antioxidant, antiplatelet and anticoagulant activities.”
A study published by Scientific Reports suggested that combined frankincense and myrrh exerted a significant protective effect against HPV and shows promise as a future therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. They also said that “frankincense and myrrh are highly effective in treatment of inflammatory diseases.”
Oncology Letters published an article showing that, “specific components of myrrh and frankincense essential oils are capable of inducing cancer cell apoptosis.”
Basically, inflammation is the body’s effort to protect itself, that is, it is the body’s immune response. A certain level of inflammation is good for you because it helps your body heal and it is an important factor of innate immunity.
When an immune compromised person consumes food he or she is sensitive to, the body inflames in an effort to protect itself. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system cannot differentiate between healthy tissue and foreign invader any longer.
While a healthy immune system would only attack harmful organisms like viruses and bacteria within our system, the immune system of someone with autoimmunity attacks the system itself. Often times, it attacks the central nervous system and the gut, inhibiting daily life and functions.
Leaky gut has also been linked to autoimmunity and inflammation. It’s when the gut becomes permeable – in most cases due to allergens, medications, viruses, or bacteria – and allows food debris and anything else the body absorbs to leak into the bloodstream. This is why sometimes it doesn’t matter whether your diet is healthy or not.
An autoimmune diet like the biblical diet takes away these trigger foods. If diet consciousness is delayed, it could mean a host of issues such as disease progression and autoimmune reactions. We now know that God intended us to use food and herbs to control the autoimmune diseases.
Follow an autoimmune safe diet by eating organic meat, fruit, vegetables, and herbs. God knew that these things would fight and get rid of inflammation! And any time we humans stray from our God-given path, we suffer. The huge amount of patients battling disease in this country are living proof of that. It is time that we turn back to God and to the lifestyles He intended for us to live.
Using this ancient information, along with what I have learned from some of the top Doctors, health clinics and most importantly, from the Bible, I was able to put together a healing protocol that helped me fight my autoimmune disease naturally. It’s called “The Autoimmune Bible”. Inside this book, I share the blue print to my natural healing recovery.
All the information that saved my life, and more, is included in this easy-to-read book.
It contains the exact story of how I healed myself, along with all the Bible verses I discovered about health, and easy, practical, step-by-step methods to heal yourself naturally! Most importantly, it contains the 5th, life-changing biblical ingredient that jumpstarted my healing and helped me to recover fast. Make sure to download your copy soon, because it won’t be available for long.
“The Autoimmune Bible came into my life when I was sick, out of work, and about to lose my house. I was so bad, the doctors couldn’t even help me anymore. I thank God for Mark and the secrets God revealed to her to help me feel good again. It helped me go back to work and save my house.”
“Mark Stevens saved me and my wife! We were both suffering from diabetes when we found The Autoimmune Bible and gave it a chance. In only a month, we both began seeing improvements. It was like a miracle!”
“My disease almost killed me, but by using The Autoimmune Bible, I was able to stabilize my body and finally begin the healing process. Slowly, I spent less and less time at the hospital, and eventually, I had no more symptoms at all! I truly believe that God works in mysterious ways, and this helped my life for a reason.”
As a bonus for downloading The Autoimmune Bible today, you will get 3 additional books , for FREE!
These 3 books were absolutely essential to my healing. I would not have achieved my goals without the information found in these 3 books, that I’ll be giving you for FREE!
The 7-day Recipe Guide is for those ready to take their health to the next level. It is packed with great recipes to use throughout the week to help the reader sculpt a mindset for a healthier diet. Each recipe calls for nutrient-rich and delicious ingredients for autoimmune-safe meals that you and your loved ones will love.
Are you tired of forgetting to get something or not knowing what to buy at the grocery store? The Food Guide comes with comprehensive lists of foods approved by The Autoimmune Bible to make it easier to shop health-consciously. The guide includes lists of autoimmune-safe meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, herbs, & seasonings.
The Autoimmune Bible Prayer Handbook is a helpful resource to ease the spiritual and emotional challenges of those facing autoimmunity. It is filled with encouraging Bible verses and prayers to help improve the reader’s outlook on life and general mental wellbeing, and to fill his or her journey to health with faith and joy.
Even if you’re healthy now, there’s no guarantee you won’t develop autoimmunity if you don’t prevent it. Western civilization has no idea about the healing mysteries in the Bible. Our culture is built on working yourself to death, microwave dinners, and monstrous medical bills.
Download The Autoimmune Bible and receive these 3 additional books for free, if you order soon. Time is running out. You have nothing to lose. Big Pharma has already tried to fight me in getting this information out to you. I’ve taken all the risk so that you don’t have to.
It’s time to live your life to the fullest. Think of it as an investment for your health. If you do nothing, you will only deteriorate and have to pay out the nose in medical bills in the long run! If you don’t have health, you have nothing.
“The Autoimmune Bible is a resource that everyone should read. “The Autoimmune Bible” provides a useful framework for healing based on the teachings in the Bible. The author’s insights and careful research are well-written, easy to read, and might drastically improve your health or that of a loved one.”
“Utilizing natural healing tools as taught by Jesus, ‘The Autoimmune Bible’ is a story of of one man’s grace-filled transformation from a state dis-ease and illness to one of authentic health and well-bring. The Autoimmune Bible is an absolute MUST read for everyone embarking on the natural healing path”.
You could always have insurance cover drugs, but they’ll only help for only a little while and you’ll end up sicker than when you started! Big Pharma doesn’t actually care about helping you. Think about all side effects of pharmaceutical drugs – some of which are available over the counter. Some drugs will literally cost you an arm and a leg. I’m offering my priceless life’s work and the healing wisdom of God. Think about it, it could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.
Because I truly care about making America healthy again, I’m gonna offer it to you at less than cost, just to cover the ads that brought this info to you. Download The Autoimmune Bible now. Try it risk free, paying no more than what I paid to create it. I know that God wants you to have this information. Big Pharma will try to convince you otherwise, and I understand that you might be skeptical, just like I was.
You’re suffering, and all the money you’ve spent and everything you’ve already tried has probably not worked for you. That’s why, to prove to you that The Autoimmune Bible works, I’m giving you a 100% , 60-day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied for any reason at all, you can get all of your money back. So, you get to test out this biblical, proven information completely for free if you are unsatisfied at all!
You can walk away, be content with mediocrity, wasting money on meds that don’t work, but I hope you understand that you are playing with your health.
No one is spared. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, old, young, a man, a woman, black, or white. If you don’t take charge, you’ll end up in a casket, or worse – in the hospital as a vegetable, being taken care of, unable to live your life.
Don’t forget your dreams of a future and have your life destroyed by a beatable disease! Take action while you have a chance! You can start fighting autoimmunity today and soon feel better than ever. Download your copy of The Autoimmune Bible now. This Biblical, clinically proven information could have you feeling better in only 30 days, and the trial period is 60 days! You have double the time to get better than people who have used The Autoimmune Bible before you.
’ve seen skeptics, myself included, turned into believers right before my eyes using the natural, proven formulas and methods found in The Autoimmune Bible. This is God-given wisdom, and years of work; not the man-made, chemical, nasty, fake stuff that Big Pharma is trying to shove down your throat to steal your money.
They haven’t silenced me yet, but they have silenced others before me. Their life’s mission is to bury centuries of progress and research so that they can get into your pocket book. Money is power, and no one has more money and power than Big Pharma.
So go ahead, before it’s too late. Get exclusive access now to The Autoimmune Bible with the free bonuses of The 7-day Recipe Guide, The Grocery Store Guide and The Prayer Book!
That’s a total of 4 books full of healing information! You’ll be instantly receiving the Autoimmune Bible, with the exact step-by-step methods I used to heal myself, along with over 20 autoimmune safe recipes, comprehensive lists of what foods to eat, and hand picked Bible verses that helped guide me through this healing journey to recovery. This offer will only be available today. Don’t delay. Go ahead and download The Autoimmune Bible now, before it’s too late.
It’s time to start feeling better. It’s time to trust God and let Him heal you. I’m Mark Stevens, and I beat MS using The Autoimmune Bible. Thank you for reading. I have faith that The Autoimmune Bible will find the person who needs them most. I’ve seen it work countless times for countless people and I know it can work for you too. I can’t wait to hear your story.
As a very special gift to you for getting this far, I want to give you 3 more free books that helped me through my journey. These 3 short handbooks are full of tips and techniques to reduce inflammation, improve your digestion and help you get the 8 hours of sleep that we all need to repair and heal our bodies.
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The Autoimmune Bible comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. That means if you change your mind about this decision at any point in the next two months – all you need to do is email us, and we’ll refund your purchase.
Yes. The ancient, biblical secrets contained in THE AUTOIMMUNE BIBLE have been clinically proven. There have been countless studies and success stories, some of which I’ve shared with you, that prove it works. Besides the studies I’ve already shared with you, there are thousands upon thousands more, some of which are contained in the ebook you’re about to download. In addition, you don’t have to look far to see studies published in renowned medical and scientific magazines.
We’re all human and we’re all wired the same. The Autoimmune Bible has already helped the worst of the worst, and the same ancient information contained inside of it has helped sick people for millennia.
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Copyright 2018 © The Autoimmune Bible
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The AutoImmune Bible is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.